

Setting a goal gives us focus and motivation. Financial goal setting is to define a purpose for investment, an amount required and when it is required. Suitable roadmap can be then be created to reach this goal. Regular monitoring of portfolio and necessary portfolio changes help in reaching your goal in a timely manner. Explore goals below or create your own and start investing.

Long Term Wealth Creation

Best suited to young professionals. Starting investment at early stage of life is the best time tested principle of wealth creation. Start investing now and benefit from compounding of returns. Systematic Investment Plan helps in generating wealth which can take care of future financial needs like buying a Home.

Preserve Wealth

Best suited to senior level professionals, established businessmen, retired or nearing retirement individuals. Wealth created needs to be protected to keep enjoying similar lifestyle in future. Having diversified portfolio with larger proportion of debt provides stable returns to the portfolio. We use advanced portfolio theories like Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance to dynamically manage your portfolio and provide downside protection.

Education and Marriage

Give wings to your child's dreams by building a fund for education. Cost of higher education is on the rise. Create fund for financing that Dream marriage you always wanted. Start investing now and make your dream a reality. Investing early needs smaller contribution and still have sufficient funds. Start investing now and let time work its magic.

Retirement Fund

Gone are the days of defined pension post retirement. Sufficient retirement fund helps in remaining financially independent in later years of life. Cost of living when you retire will be significantly higher than today. Start investing today and build sufficient Retirement Fund. Well structured investment portfolio can minimise income tax outgo and generate regular income post retirement.

Save Tax

Equity Linked Saving Schemes (ELSS) are tax savings schemes of mutual funds. It gives you benefit of Tax savings as well as wealth creation. Invest up to Rs 1.5 lakh every year and save tax up to Rs 46,800 under section 80C of Income Tax Act, 1961. ELSS has shortest lock in period of 3 years compared to other 80C instruments. Further, long term capital gains up to Rs 1 lakh is tax free. Invest by signing up for monthly SIP and avoid hassle of last minute tax planning.

Emergency Fund

Emergency can strike anyone, anytime. Whether it is medical emergency, loss of job or any other event, having a sufficient emergency fund can take care of financial burden that come because of these unforeseen events. Emergency fund need to be readily available and hence invested in least risky scheme like Liquid Fund of Mutual Funds.